Helloween – Windmill Lyrics

Time goes wherever you are
Time is your guiding star
That shines through all your life
Makes you feel and move

My dreams are out in the far
So are yours a part
Of secret fairy tales
Dripped on the wings of a mystery mill

Windmill, windmill, keep on turning
Show me the way, Take me today
Windmill, windmill, hearts are yearning
Longing for love and a chance to be free

Don’t feel alone and depressed
Someone will come at last
To soothe your stumbling mind
To keep it away from the evil storm


Ga’ jadi menang!!!… ga’ jadi Menang!!!…

Aduh,,.. kesel banget dah cuma jadi juara Kanban game selama 2 jam…..

Tapi ga pa2 lah.. emang bukan rejekinya kali…

buat anak2 DOmikado… berlapang dadalah….

buat Wanna Bee… selamet ye…. jadi juara…

Buat panitia Kanban Game…. sungguh2 sangat mengecewakan…..

Jakarta Tenggelam 6 Desember 2025

JALAN-JALAN di Muara Baru dan beberapa pembatas jalan di Ibukota Jakarta terlihat tenggelam akibat banjir beberapa bulan lalu. Sebuah showroom mobil BMW juga tampak tergenang air yang menjadikan hal ini sebuah pemandangan aneh.

Beberapa bangunan di poros Monas sampai Semanggi dikabarkan amblas sehingga Pemprov DKI Jakarta berencana meneliti lapisan dan struktur tanah di sepanjang poros itu. Demikian diungkapkan Kepala Dinas Penataan danPengawasan (P2B) DKI Jakarta Hari Sasongko dalam konferensi pers di Balaikota DKI Jakarta, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Rabu (16/4). Tadi kita ketemu dengan peneliti geologi dari Bandung. Kita sepakat untuk meneliti sondir atau lapisan tanah sepanjang Monas ke Semanggi. Itu untuk antisipasi,” ujar Hari. Menurut Hari, penelitian itu bermanfaaat banyak. Selain bisa memetakan penurunan tanah, juga menunjukkan kawasan mana yang berbahaya untuk bangunan. Datanya sebenarnya sudah ada, tinggal nanti kita kumpulkan dan diolah sehingga keluar gambar gambar.

Lalu mengapa di Monas-Semanggi saja? Karena di tempat itu sekarang sedang terjadi penurunan tanah jelasnya. Sebelumnya, beberapa bangunan di Jl MH Thamrin yang terletak di poros Monas-Semanggi dikabarkan mengalami penurunan. Gedung-gedung yang diisukan antara lain Gedung BPPT, Gedung Depag, dan Plasa Sarinah. Itu baru awal. Diramalkan, pada 6 Desember 2025 nanti, pemandangan tersebut akan dua kali lebih ekstrem lagi.
Seperti dilaporkan koran Singapura, The Straits Times edisi Rabu (16/4), bahwa sebuah studi yang dilakukan Bank Dunia menjabarkan bagaimana cara mengatasi keadaan tersebut. Hal ini terjadi karena penggunaan tanah secara berlebihan dan berdirinya gedung-gedung tinggi. Hal ini juga didorong absorbsi air tanah menyebabkan wilayah Jakarta Utara turun mencapai 40-60 cm dari aslinya. Para ilmuwan menjelaskan, gelombang pasang dalam siklus 18,5 tahunan sebelumnya melanda Jakarta pada tahun 2007. Peristiwa yang sama pernah terjadi pada 1989, namun tidak sampai menyebabkan banjir di kawasan pesisir Jakarta. Alasan utamanya adalah bukan karena perubahan cuaca. Akan tetapi karena penurunan struktur tanah Jakarta, kata Jan Jaap Brinkman seorang peneliti lembaga riset Delft Hydraulics dari Belanda. Brinkman berpendapat, banjir pasang tersebut bukan disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim. “Terjadi kebingungan disini. Banyak yang bilang climate change, tapi sebenarnya bukan itu penyebabnya. Penyebab utamanya adalah siklus bulan terhadap bumi,” jelas Brinkman.
Alasannya, air pasang yang menyebabkan banjir itu terjadi dalam periode 20 tahun sekali dan akan terjadi lagi pada 2025. Di sisi lain, permukaan tanah Jakarta terus turun. “Jakarta turun tapi gelombang pasangnya naik,” ujarnya. Ketika banjir pada 26 November 2007 lalu, ketinggian air pasang mencapai 220 cm, lebih tinggi 30 cm dari ketinggian tanggul. Kondisi ini pernah terjadi pada 1989, tapi tak membanjiri Jakarta. “Saat itu Jakarta lebih tinggi 50 cm dari permukaan laut,” jelas Brinkman.

Perhatikan drainase Kini, 18 tahun kemudian, ketinggian Jakarta berkurang 40-60 cm akibat penurunan tanah. Bila penurunan ini terus berlangsung hingga 20 tahun mendatang, Jakarta akan tenggelam pada 2025. Kala itu ketinggian air laut akibat pasang dan perubahan iklim mencapai 225 cm. Brinkman menambahkan bahwa akibat banjir itu, air laut akan ikut menenggelamkan Istana Presiden di Jakarta. Pada 6 Desember 2025 nanti, diramalkan puncak air akan mencapai ketinggian puncaknya dan tentu saja akan menenggelamkan istana Presiden tersebut. “Akan menyebabkan masalah yang besar. Jika ada badai dan Indonesia tak melakukan apa pun, ketinggian air bisa 255 cm,” katanya. “Penurunan tanah hingga 2025 diprediksi mencapai 50 cm,”imbuh dia. Menurut Brinkman, pembangunan Deep Tunnel Purposes tak akan menyelesaikan banjir di Jakarta. Ada cara yang lebih mudah dan murah. Cara itu adalah menyelesaikan dan mengembangkan Kanal Banjir Timur dan Kanal Banjir Barat yang diikuti dengan peningkatan kapasitas Sungai Cipinang dan Sunter. Selain itu, mengoptimalkan pintu air Manggarai dan menghubungkan Sungai Ciliwung dengan Kanal Banjir Timur dan Barat. “Kalau dilakukan, kemungkinan terjadinya banjir berkurang, tidak lagi dua atau lima tahun sekali,” ujar Brinkman. Brinkman juga meminta pembangunan gedung-gedung bertingkat di Jakarta harus memerhatikan drainase. Hal ini sangat penting karena saluran air diperlukan untuk mengeluarkan air dari tengah kota.

Sementara itu Kepala Badan Regulator Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Jaya, Achmad Lanti, mengingatkan bahwa bahaya banjir ini juga akan mengancam ketersediaan air minum di Jakarta. Saat ini saja, kebutuhan air Jakarta hanya sanggup dilayani sebanyak 75 persen saja dari sumber air yang ada saat ini. Apalagi jika air laut mencemari sumber air Jakarta, maka kebutuhan air masyarakat Jakarta akan semakin terancam. Saat ini, kebutuhan air kita cukup mencemaskan. Apalagi jika banjir ini mengancam Jakarta, paparnya. Pembuatan sarana penampungan air bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu solusi mengatasi masalah air bersih ini.

Maen Tamiya Lagi….

Akhirnya Kanban Game jadi diadakan…

Kelompok udah dibagi,… tinggal latian deh……. trus berkutat dengan tamiya2 Cau-bau (gimana sih tulisannya??) sama kontainer2 yang kecil2 itu….

Kelompok gw terdiri dari 12 orang yang ganteng2 dan cantik2, dan menamkan dirinya “DOMIKADO”

DomiKAdo adalah singkatan dari “DOeabelas orang MaIn KAnban, trus.. gimana DOnk..??!!!” ( harus dibaca pake logatnya Bowo)

Simulasi pas coaching pertama Jumat kemaren… berlanglung dngan cukup berantakan…. perlu ada perbaikan sana sini…. TApi kemaren itu cuma karena masalah belum jelasnya praturan ajah kok…

Buat anak2 Domikado… ayo terus latihan… janganlah kalian berleha-leha…, karena leha-leha itu sebenarnya adalah bermalas-malasan… (apaan sih..??)

Teknologi Web 2.0


Dunia internet seakan-akan telah menjadi bagian hidup dari masyarakat modern saat ini. Betapa tidak, karena internet secara lengkap menyediakan kebutuhan akan informasi, berita, serta ilmu pengetahuan. Dengan internet seolah-olah tidak ada lagi batasan antar ruang dan waktu dalam berkomunikasi dengan berbagai orang di berbagai belahan dunia. Sebagai konsumen dari teknologi web tentunya mengharapkan tampilan layar yang mengasyikan serta mudah dipakai dan dimanfaatkan. Pada dasarnya web merupakan suatu kumpulan hyperlink yang menuju dari alamat satu ke alamat lainnya dengan bahasa HTML (HyperText Markup Languange).


Teknologi AJAX


Dalam pengaplikasian web HTML tidak mungkin sendiri dalam membuat suatu desain yang benar-benar bagus. Oleh karena itu HTML selalu ditemani oleh CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) untuk mempercantik desain, JavaScript untuk membuat tampilan yang dinamis, dan XML (eXtensible  Markup Language) yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan format data . Teknologi penggabungan dari JavaScript dan XML saat ini yang marak disebut dengan AJAX (Asynchorous JavaScript And XML) yang menekankan pada pengelolaan content dalam website.


Perkembangan Web 2.0


Inovasi dalam dunia web semakin hari kian mengalami perkembangan yang berarti, ini dibuktikan dengan adanya Teknologi Web 2.0 yang dikembangkan sekitar tahun 2004. Walaupun sudah termasuk lama kedengarannya oleh para praktisi web, namum sebagian besar mereka masih bertanya-tanya tentang fungsi dan kegunaannya. Web 2.0 merupakan teknologi web yang menyatukan teknologi-teknologi yang dimiliki dalam membangun web. Penyatuan tersebut merupakan gabungan dari HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, dan tentunya AJAX.


Perkembangan web 2.0 lebih menekankan pada perubahan cara berpikir dalam menyajikan konten dan tampilan di dalam sebuah website. Dalam perkembangannya Web 2.0 diaplikasikan sebagai bentuk penyajian halaman web yang bersifat sebagai program desktop pada umumnya seperti Windows. Fungsi-fungsi pada penerapannya sudah bersifat seperti desktop, seperti drag and drop, auto-complete, serta fungsi lainnya. Aplikasi Web 2.0 disajikan secara penuh dalam suatu web browser tanpa membutuhkan teknologi perangkat yang canggih dari sisi user. Tidak mengherankan bila suatu aplikasi (software) dapat diakses secara online tanpa harus menginstalnya terlebih dahulu. Software tersebut misalnya software pengolah kata (seperti MS Word) atau software pengolah angka (seperti MS Excel).


Teknologi ke depan suatu software berbasisi web tidak lagi dijual melainkan suatu fasilitas gratis yang dapat digunakan setiap waktu. Permasalahan manajemen file juga tidak merepotkan, bahkan file dapat disimpan dan juga dapat di-sharing dengan user lain. Implementasi dari teknologi Web 2.0 dapat dilihat pada aplikasi sprearsheet pada Google yang merupakan aplikasi untuk operasi mengolah angka seperti MS Excel. Aplikasi ini dapat dilihat pada http://spreadsheets.google.com/ , tentunya aplikasi tersebut membutuhkan suatu akun Google untuk memasukinya.



Suatu web 2.0 biasanya digunakan sebagai akhir dari siklus peluncuran produk software, mengilustrasikan setiap produsen software tidak lagi meluncurkan produknya dalam bentuk fisik. Karena web menjadi platform, pengguna cukup datang ke website untuk menjalankan aplikasi yang ingin mereka gunakan. Hasil dari pengembangan fitur di dalam software dapat langsung dirasakan oleh pengguna. Software tidak lagi dijual sebagai produk namun berupa layanan (service).


Karakteristik Web 2.0


Kemudahan berinteraksi antara user dengan sistem merupakan tujuan dibangunnya teknologi Web 2.0. Interaksi tersebut tentunya haruslah diimbangi dengan kecepatan untuk mengakses, oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu bandwith yang cukup untuk loading data. Loading data tersebut dilakukan saat pertama kali membuka situs, data-data tersebut antara lain CSS, JavaScript, dan XML. Salah satu karakteristiknya adalah adanya dukungan pada pemrograman yang sederhana dan ide akan web service atau RSS. Ketersediaan RSS akan menciptakan kemudahan untuk di-remix oleh website lain dengan menggunakan tampilannya masing-masing dan dukungan pemrograman yang sederhana. Adanya kemajuan inovasi pada antar-muka di sisi pengguna merupakan karakter dari Web 2.0. Dukungan AJAX yang menggabungkan HTML, CSS, Javascript, dan XML pada Yahoo!Mail Beta dan Gmail membuat pengguna merasakan nilai lebih dari sekedar situs penyedia e-mail. Kombinasi media komunikasi seperti Instant Messenger (IM) dan Voice over IP (VoIP) akan semakin memperkuat karakter Web 2.0 di dalam situs tersebut.

Control Chart

Waduh…. tadi gw ngumpul kelompok mata kuliah Sistem Kualitas…

Trus ,  pas pembagian tugas.. gw dapet kebagian bikin form control chart….

Nah,, nih gw langsung browsing nyari-nayri bahan ttg control chart….

Control Chart

What is it?

A Control Chart is a tool you can use to monitor a process. It graphically depicts the average value and the upper and lower control limits (the highest and lowest values) of a process.

Who uses it?

The management, the team.

Why use it?

All processes have some form of variation. A Control Chart helps you distinguish between normal and unusual variation in a process. If you want to reduce the amount of variation in a process, you need to compare the results of the process with a standard. Variation can exist for two reasons:

  1. Common causes are flaws inherent in the design of the process.
  2. Special causes are variations from standards caused by employees or by unusual circumstances or events.

Most variations in processes are caused by flaws in the system or the process, not by the employees. Once you realize this, you can stop blaming the employees and start changing the systems and processes that cause the employees to make mistakes. (It is important to remember, however, that some variations are not “mistakes” introduced by employees, but, rather, they are innovations. Some variations are deliberately introduced to processes by employees specifically because these variations are found to be more practical.)

When to use it?

First, you need to define the standards of how things should be. Then, you need to monitor (collect data) about processes in your organization. Then, you create a control graph using the monitoring data.

How to use it:

  1. Select the process to be charted and decide on the type of control chart to use.
    • Use a Percent Nonconforming Chart (more information available from Health Tactics P Chart) if you have data measured using two outcomes (for example, the billing can be correct or incorrect).
    • Use an Average and Range Control Chart (more information available from Health Tactics X-R Chart) if you have data measured using a continuous scale (for example, waiting time in the health center).
  2. Determine your sampling method and plan:
    • Choose the sample size (how many samples will you obtain?).
    • Choose the frequency of sampling, depending on the process to be evaluated (months, days, years?).
    • Make sure you get samples at random (don’t always get data from the same person, on the same day of the week, etc.).
  3. Start data collection:
    • Gather the sampled data.
    • Record data on the appropriate control graph.
  4. Calculate the appropriate statistics (the control limits) depending on the type of graph.
  5. Observation:
    The control graph is divided into zones: ______________________________ Upper Control Limit (UCL)

    ______________________________ Standard (average)

    ______________________________ Lower Control Limit (LCL)

  6. Interpret the graph:
    • If the data fluctuates within the limits, it is the result of common causes within the process (flaws inherent in the process) and can only be affected if the system is improved or changed.
    • If the data falls outside of the limits, it is the result of special causes (in human service organizations, special causes can include bad instruction, lack of training, ineffective processes, or inadequate support systems).
    • These special causes must be eliminated before the control chart can be used as a monitoring tool. In a health setting, for example, staff may need better instruction or training, or processes may need to be improved, before the process is “under control.” Once the process is “under control,” samples can be taken at regular intervals to assure that the process does not fundamentally change.
    • A process is said to be “out of control” if one or more points falls outside the control limits.

Knowledge Management—Emerging Perspectives

Yes, knowledge management is the hottest subject of the day. The question is: what is this activity called knowledge management, and why is it so important to each and every one of us? The following writings, articles, and links offer some emerging perspectives in response to these questions. As you read on, you can determine whether it all makes any sense or not.

Developing a Context

Like water, this rising tide of data can be viewed as an abundant, vital and necessary resource. With enough preparation, we should be able to tap into that reservoir — and ride the wave — by utilizing new ways to channel raw data into meaningful information. That information, in turn, can then become the knowledge that leads to wisdom. Les Alberthal

Before attempting to address the question of knowledge management, it’s probably appropriate to develop some perspective regarding this stuff called knowledge, which there seems to be such a desire to manage, really is. Consider this observation made by Neil Fleming as a basis for thought relating to the following diagram.

    • A collection of data is not information.
    • A collection of information is not knowledge.
    • A collection of knowledge is not wisdom.
    • A collection of wisdom is not truth.

The idea is that information, knowledge, and wisdom are more than simply collections. Rather, the whole represents more than the sum of its parts and has a synergy of its own.

We begin with data, which is just a meaningless point in space and time, without reference to either space or time. It is like an event out of context, a letter out of context, a word out of context. The key concept here being “out of context.” And, since it is out of context, it is without a meaningful relation to anything else. When we encounter a piece of data, if it gets our attention at all, our first action is usually to attempt to find a way to attribute meaning to it. We do this by associating it with other things. If I see the number 5, I can immediately associate it with cardinal numbers and relate it to being greater than 4 and less than 6, whether this was implied by this particular instance or not. If I see a single word, such as “time,” there is a tendency to immediately form associations with previous contexts within which I have found “time” to be meaningful. This might be, “being on time,” “a stitch in time saves nine,” “time never stops,” etc. The implication here is that when there is no context, there is little or no meaning. So, we create context but, more often than not, that context is somewhat akin to conjecture, yet it fabricates meaning.

That a collection of data is not information, as Neil indicated, implies that a collection of data for which there is no relation between the pieces of data is not information. The pieces of data may represent information, yet whether or not it is information depends on the understanding of the one perceiving the data. I would also tend to say that it depends on the knowledge of the interpreter, but I’m probably getting ahead of myself, since I haven’t defined knowledge. What I will say at this point is that the extent of my understanding of the collection of data is dependent on the associations I am able to discern within the collection. And, the associations I am able to discern are dependent on all the associations I have ever been able to realize in the past. Information is quite simply an understanding of the relationships between pieces of data, or between pieces of data and other information.

While information entails an understanding of the relations between data, it generally does not provide a foundation for why the data is what it is, nor an indication as to how the data is likely to change over time. Information has a tendency to be relatively static in time and linear in nature. Information is a relationship between data and, quite simply, is what it is, with great dependence on context for its meaning and with little implication for the future.

Beyond relation there is pattern, where pattern is more than simply a relation of relations. Pattern embodies both a consistency and completeness of relations which, to an extent, creates its own context. Pattern also serves as an Archetype with both an implied repeatability and predictability.

When a pattern relation exists amidst the data and information, the pattern has the potential to represent knowledge. It only becomes knowledge, however, when one is able to realize and understand the patterns and their implications. The patterns representing knowledge have a tendency to be more self-contextualizing. That is, the pattern tends, to a great extent, to create its own context rather than being context dependent to the same extent that information is. A pattern which represents knowledge also provides, when the pattern is understood, a high level of reliability or predictability as to how the pattern will evolve over time, for patterns are seldom static. Patterns which represent knowledge have a completeness to them that information simply does not contain.

Wisdom arises when one understands the foundational principles responsible for the patterns representing knowledge being what they are. And wisdom, even more so than knowledge, tends to create its own context. I have a preference for referring to these foundational principles as eternal truths, yet I find people have a tendency to be somewhat uncomfortable with this labeling. These foundational principles are universal and completely context independent. Of course, this last statement is sort of a redundant word game, for if the principle was context dependent, then it couldn’t be universally true now could it?

So, in summary the following associations can reasonably be made:

  • Information relates to description, definition, or perspective (what, who, when, where).
  • Knowledge comprises strategy, practice, method, or approach (how).
  • Wisdom embodies principle, insight, moral, or archetype (why).

Now that I have categories I can get hold of, maybe I can figure out what can be managed.

An Example

This example uses a bank savings account to show how data, information, knowledge, and wisdom relate to principal, interest rate, and interest.

Data: The numbers 100 or 5%, completely out of context, are just pieces of data. Interest, principal, and interest rate, out of context, are not much more than data as each has multiple meanings which are context dependent.

Information: If I establish a bank savings account as the basis for context, then interest, principal, and interest rate become meaningful in that context with specific interpretations.

  • Principal is the amount of money, $100, in the savings account.
  • Interest rate, 5%, is the factor used by the bank to compute interest on the principal.

Knowledge: If I put $100 in my savings account, and the bank pays 5% interest yearly, then at the end of one year the bank will compute the interest of $5 and add it to my principal and I will have $105 in the bank. This pattern represents knowledge, which, when I understand it, allows me to understand how the pattern will evolve over time and the results it will produce. In understanding the pattern, I know, and what I know is knowledge. If I deposit more money in my account, I will earn more interest, while if I withdraw money from my account, I will earn less interest.

Wisdom: Getting wisdom out of this is a bit tricky, and is, in fact, founded in systems principles. The principle is that any action which produces a result which encourages more of the same action produces an emergent characteristic called growth. And, nothing grows forever for sooner or later growth runs into limits.

If one studied all the individual components of this pattern, which represents knowledge, they would never discover the emergent characteristic of growth. Only when the pattern connects, interacts, and evolves over time, does the principle exhibit the characteristic of growth.

Note: If the mechanics of this diagram are unfamiliar, you can find the basis in Systems Thinking Introduction .

Now, if this knowledge is valid, why doesn’t everyone simply become rich by putting money in a savings account and letting it grow? The answer has to do with the fact that the pattern described above is only a small part of a more elaborate pattern which operates over time. People don’t get rich because they either don’t put money in a savings account in the first place, or when they do, in time, they find things they need or want more than being rich, so they withdraw money. Withdrawing money depletes the principal and subsequently the interest they earn on that principal. Getting into this any deeper is more of a systems thinking exercise than is appropriate to pursue here.

A Continuum

Note that the sequence data -> information -> knowledge -> wisdom represents an emergent continuum. That is, although data is a discrete entity, the progression to information, to knowledge, and finally to wisdom does not occur in discrete stages of development. One progresses along the continuum as one’s understanding develops. Everything is relative, and one can have partial understanding of the relations that represent information, partial understanding of the patterns that represent knowledge, and partial understanding of the principles which are the foundation of wisdom. As the partial understanding stage.

Extending the Concept

We learn by connecting new information to patterns that we already understand. In doing so, we extend the patterns. So, in my effort to make sense of this continuum, I searched for something to connect it to that already made sense. And, I related it to Csikszentmihalyi’s interpretation of complexity.

Csikszentmihalyi provides a definition of complexity based on the degree to which something is simultaneously differentiated and integrated. His point is that complexity evolves along a corridor and he provides some very interesting examples as to why complexity evolves. The diagram below indicates that what is more highly differentiated and integrated is more complex. While high levels of differentiation without integration promote the complicated, that which is highly integrated, without differentiation, produces mundane. And, it should be rather obvious from personal experience that we tend to avoid the complicated and are uninterested in the mundane. The complexity that exists between these two alternatives is the path we generally find most attractive.

On 4/27/05 Robert Lamb commented that Csikszentmihalyi’s labeling could be is bit clearer if “Differentiation” was replaced by “Many Components” and “Integration” was replaced by Highly Interconnected.” Robert also commented that “Common Sense” might be another label for “Mundane.” If the mundane is something we seem to avoid paying attention to then “Common Sense” might often be a very appropriate label. Thanks Robert.

What I found really interesting was the view that resulted when I dropped this diagram on top of the one at the beginning of this article. It seemed that “Integrated” and “Understanding” immediately correlated to each other. There was also a real awareness that “Context Independence” related to “Differentiated.” Overall, the continuum of data to wisdom seemed to correlate exactly to Csikszentmihalyi’s model of evolving complexity.

I now end up with a perception that wisdom is sort of simplified complexity.

Knowledge Management: Bah Humbug!

When I first became interested in knowledge as a concept, and then knowledge management, it was because of the connections I made between my system studies and the data, information, knowledge, and wisdom descriptions already stated. Saying that I became interested is a bit of an understatement as I’m generally either not interested or obsessed, and seldom anywhere in between. Then, after a couple months I managed to catch myself, with the help of Mike Davidson, as to the indirection I was pursuing.

I managed to survive the Formula Fifties, the Sensitive Sixties, the Strategic Seventies, and the Excellent Eighties to exist in the Nanosecond Nineties, and for a time I thought I was headed for the Learning Organizational Oh’s of the next decade. The misdirection I was caught up in was a focus on Knowledge Management not as a means, but as an end in itself. Yes, knowledge management is important, and I’ll address reasons why shortly. But knowledge management should simply be one of many cooperating means to an end, not the end in itself, unless your job turns out to be corporate knowledge management director or chief knowledge officer. I’m quite sure it will come to this, for in some ways we are predictably consistent.

I associate the cause of my indirection with the many companies I have been associated with in the past. These companies had pursued TQM or reengineering, not in support of what they were trying to accomplish, but as ends in themselves because they simply didn’t know what they were really trying to accomplish. And, since they didn’t know what they were really trying to accomplish, the misdirection was actually a relief, and pursued with a passion­­it just didn’t get them anywhere in particular.

According to Mike Davidson, and I agree with him, what’s really important is:

  • Mission: What are we trying to accomplish?
  • Competition: How do we gain a competitive edge?
  • Performance: How do we deliver the results?
  • Change: How do we cope with change?

As such, knowledge management, and everything else for that matter, is important only to the extent that it enhances an organization’s ability and capacity to deal with, and develop in, these four dimensions.

The Value of Knowledge Management

In an organizational context, data represents facts or values of results, and relations between data and other relations have the capacity to represent information. Patterns of relations of data and information and other patterns have the capacity to represent knowledge. For the representation to be of any utility it must be understood, and when understood the representation is information or knowledge to the one that understands. Yet, what is the real value of information and knowledge, and what does it mean to manage it?

Without associations we have little chance of understanding anything. We understand things based on the associations we are able to discern. If someone says that sales started at $100,000 per quarter and have been rising 20% per quarter for the last four quarters, I am somewhat confident that sales are now about $207,000 per quarter. I am confident because I know what “rising 20% per quarter” means and I can do the math.

Yet, if someone asks what sales are apt to be next quarter, I would have to say, “It depends!” I would have to say this because although I have data and information, I have no knowledge. This is a trap that many fall into, because they don’t understand that data doesn’t predict trends of data. What predicts trends of data is the activity that is responsible for the data. To be able to estimate the sales for next quarter, I would need information about the competition, market size, extent of market saturation, current backlog, customer satisfaction levels associated with current product delivery, current production capacity, the extent of capacity utilization, and a whole host of other things. When I was able to amass sufficient data and information to form a complete pattern that I understood, I would have knowledge, and would then be somewhat comfortable estimating the sales for next quarter. Anything less would be just fantasy!

In this example what needs to be managed to create value is the data that defines past results, the data and information associated with the organization, it’s market, it’s customers, and it’s competition, and the patterns which relate all these items to enable a reliable level of predictability of the future.What I would refer to as knowledge management would be the capture, retention, and reuse of the foundation for imparting an understanding of how all these pieces fit together and how to convey them meaningfully to some other person.

The value of Knowledge Management relates directly to the effectiveness with which the managed knowledge enables the members of the organization to deal with today’s situations and effectively envision and create their future. Without on-demand access to managed knowledge, every situation is addressed based on what the individual or group brings to the situation with them. With on-demand access to managed knowledge, every situation is addressed with the sum total of everything anyone in the organization has ever learned about a situation of a similar nature. Which approach would you perceive would make a more effective organization?

  • May 2024
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